Child & Nutrition Workshop

Ira International School and Sugar Plum together organized  a workshop on  “ Child and Nutrition”to bring awareness among the young mothers which is the need of the hour.

Mrs.Prajakta. G. Sadachar a practicing Nutritionist and Dietician was invited to speak to mothers’ of classes Nursery to class II.  Nearly hundred mothers attended the workshop.  Mrs. Prajakta advised mothers to prepare a rainbow chart day wise for their kids.  Use of seasonal fruits and veggies should not be ignored & food should be prepared at home. Mothers were categorically advised that junk food should  not  be the option as the kids demand. She also briefed mothers on items  that should be avoided like pickles, sauces, papad. 

Nutritional cereals like Jawar, Bhagar,Nachani etc to be given to the children.  Mother were also informed that every six months they should  consult with the pediatrician, dentist, ophthalmologist  and also cross check child’s height and weight. Mrs.Prajakta solved the mothers queries. The workshop was indeed the best approach towards improving diet and health of a School going child and wasappreciated by the mothers.Principal Mrs. Reena Dargan thanked the resource person for sharing the most important information with the audience.